Laura The Explaura

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My Idea Of Freedom

Freedom is what I am chasing.
Freedom is the feeling of choice.
Freedom is all I want.
Freedom is the best, is it not?

When everything is aligned.
When everything is manageable.
When there is a time for everything and everyone.
And nothing is left undone.

When I am not dependent.
When I am in control.
When I call the shots.
When I can take a year or two off.

No responsibilities or commitments.
Escaping when I like without judgement.
Choosing to have faith over fear.
No worry or concern here.

Never dreading or hiding.
Nor drowning or suffocating.
It’s not unusual behaviour.
But just being true to myself is the big favour.

When I give all of my heart.
When I am grateful for the little things.
When I have time to feel the breeze.
And how much money I have does not define me.

It’s never looking back.
But confidence in my abilities.
Freedom is pretty special.
Unique and the feeling of potential.

Practicing self-love is freeing.
No apologies, no excuses.
That’s when I feel free.
That’s when I feel me.