DIY Chinese New Year Projects And Craft Ideas

It is that time of year again that we celebrate Chinese New Year. There are many ways to make Chinese New Year special by creating your own DIY projects and crafts with your students to infuse the festive spirit.

If you are after DIY Chinese New Year projects for your class this year then I have the one stop shop list for you!

Fortune Cookies: Make your own fortune cookies with personalized messages. You can use traditional messages or have your students create your own positive and inspiring ones. These make for a fun and tasty treat.

Red Envelopes: Create your own red envelopes, known as ‘hong bao,’ by using red paper or cardboard. Decorate them with gold accents, Chinese characters, or traditional symbols like the Chinese zodiac animal of the year – the Dragon.

Chinese New Year Wreath: Create a festive wreath using red and gold decorations. You can add elements like mini lanterns, faux cherry blossoms, or even small Chinese figurines. Hang it on your classroom door to welcome guests to your room.

Lunar New Year Banner: Craft a banner with traditional Chinese New Year phrases or the zodiac animal of the year. Hang it across your classroom or doorway for a decorative touch.

Cherry Blossom Tree: Make a beautiful cherry blossom tree using pink and white tissue paper. Have the students attach the blossoms to branches and place them in a vase. Cherry blossoms symbolize renewal and the coming of spring.

Chinese Knots: Teach your students how to make Chinese knots using red or golden cords. These decorative knots symbolise good luck and prosperity. Hang them on doorknobs or windows as ornaments.

Calligraphy Art: Explore Chinese blessing or phrases and have your students practice writing them in Chinese calligraphy on red paper or scrolls. Hang them on your class walls as meaningful decorations.

DIY Dragon or Lion Dance: Create a small dragon or lion puppet using paper, cardboard, and fabric. This can be a fun project, especially for kids. Use the puppet to reenact a traditional dragon or lion dance performance. Give time to your students to rehearse before performance day.

Class Handprint Tree: Create a class tree using hand prints on red paper. Each student can write a wish or resolution on their hand print. Display it prominently as a symbol of unity and good wishes.

DIY Chinese Fans: Decorate plain paper fans with Chinese symbols, traditional patterns, or even pictures of your zodiac animals. These fans can be both decorative and practical during the celebrations.

Paper Lanterns: Make colourful paper lanterns using red, gold or other vibrant colours. You can find templates online or create your own design. Hang them around the school or classroom to add a festive touch.

Paper Cutting Art: Encourage your students to try Chinese paper cutting, known as “jian zhi.” Use red paper, and create intricate designs of animals, flowers or other auspicious symbols. Display them around the classroom.

Remember to involve the whole class and even their families in these DIY projects to make the Chinese New Year preparations more enjoyable and meaningful.

If you are still after more Chinese New Year Activity Ideas, you can find them in a past blog post here.

How is your class celebrating Chinese New Year this year? Do you have some special DIY crafts planned? We would love it if you joined the conversation and shared in the comments below.