Misconceptions About India

Early last year I was fortunate to travel to India for four weeks with my travel buddy, my sister Lucinda. We did a tour of Northern India, took an overnight train or two, visited the Taj Mahal (twice), did yoga for a week and drank copious amounts of Chai Tea.

Prior to going, we heard numerous stories. From those who had been before we only heard great things. We were told India would change us. We were told it was a holy place. We were told how beautiful it was. And let me tell you, we were not disappointed. India is a fascinating country to visit. We only saw a small portion of it. But every day was incredible and every day was amazing, without a doubt.

Then from those who had never been to India; we got the questions. Why would you want to go there? It’s not a safe place. You are sure to get sick if you go to India.  

I’m not sure what your perceived notions of India are but I can tell you; they are probably wrong. Let me tell you the truth about India;

  • It doesn’t smell. People don’t smell.  There are buckets provided in the shower to collect the water and use.

  • It is not dirty – of course, there are some poorer parts of the country, but it is not all dirty and poor. There is not litter in the streets. It is quite clean thanks to the current Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi. He has introduced the Clean India Campaign which is making a huge difference across the country 

  • Traffic on the roads is crazy – car horns are blown constantly and traffic weaves in and out of each other. There are cows that sit in the middle of the road and everyone just drives around them. Cows are considered sacred.

  • You will not get robbed – the people are super friendly and helpful

  • Your shoes will not disappear from outside a temple - they will be there, alongside everyone else’s when you return outside. Ladies should cover up and dress respectfully

  • The subway is very easy to use in main cities and there are women only carriages  

  • The water is not safe to drink, buy bottled water. You will find Chai Tea sold just about everywhere

  • Everyone does not get sick travelling in India – I never did. It is possible though, so pack medication just in case of food positioning. Indian food is some of the best you will eat around the world

  • It is not expensive - the museum and site entries are very reasonable, quite cheap in fact. The meals they serve are quite large so you can often share dishes.

Indian food

India really is a place that you must visit and judge for yourself. I am betting though you will want to go back. There is so much to see, do and experience. You will not come away from India the same.

Are you considering a trip to India? Do you have any questions to ask? I would be more than happy to answer and put your mind at rest. Feel free to join the conversation and leave a comment below.