Are You Up For A Challenge?

I am naturally a competitive person. I love to win. I love the rush and buzz it gives me.  

I also like to personally challenge myself and try to improve on previous results, pushing boundaries and myself out of my comfort zone. Setting targets and goals gives me something to strive for and I get a sense of satisfaction when I achieve it.

This year alone I have set numerous tasks for myself including taking a photo a day, going away once a month, finish writing my book, and reaching 500 blog readers a month.

I love using apps that reward you with a streak if you do a particular thing each day, like the Insight Timer App which keeps a tally of how many days in a row you have meditating for. It almost wills you to do it each day. Skipping a day means your streak goes back to day one and no one wants that.

I had not really considered how many challenges I set myself until it came up in conversation on the weekend at a family catch up. My cousin has an Apple watch that keeps a record of how many steps she walks each day. She competes against her boyfriend and his family for who can take the most daily steps. I am naturally a fit and active person so knowing how many steps I do each day, is not high up on my priority list. Though it got me thinking about how competitive I am in a real range of areas in life.


If you are in the mood to personally challenge yourself I can recommend you check these ones out;

Meditation Challenges

  • The Insight Timer app keeps a daily streak for every day you meditate. It is really encouraging and helps keep you on track. Are you reap the benefits.

  • The Liberation Kriya Challenge is a nine-minute meditation each day for 40 days in a row. If you miss a day you have to go back and start your count again. Join the challenge here on the Lavendaire website.

Reading Challenges

  • Goodreads have a 2021 Reading Challenge which lets you set your own reading goal for the year. Just enter the books you read and it keeps the record for you. It motivates you to keep reading.

Health Challenges

  • Steps - Qantas Wellbeing App syncs with your phone to record your daily steps. Invite friends to join and compete against them. Earn Qantas points along the way.

  • 20 Day Cold Shower Challenge - Wim Hof Method. Have a 15-second cold shower the first week, 30 seconds the following week, 45-second cold water shower in Week 3 and building up to 60-second shower by the end of 20 days. Search #20daycoldwaterchallenge on Instagram to see peoples findings. Download the Wim Hof Method app to track results.

  • 100 Burpee Challenge - Each month on the first Friday of the month, we do a 100 Burpee Challenge where everyone does 100 burpees as fast as they can and records their time on the day’s post. It’s an awesome way to gauge your current fitness level and see how much you improve over time.

Discipline Challenge

  • The Andy Frisella "75 Hard" Challenge - the rules are 1) Strict diet and no alcohol 2) Two 45 minute workouts 3) Drink 3L of water 4) Read 10 pages from a non-fiction self-help book or business book 5) Take a progress picture every day for 75 days with no days off.

  • 1 Second Everyday App - take a photo a day to create a photo diary of your year. A great memory sake created by discipline.


What challenges have you participated in or know of? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.