Life Analogy


I recently climbed a really tall water tower at my boyfriends’ work yard. It was something I had been wishing to do for a long while. I knew it would be an amazing view from the top, however, I needed a heist to get up to the ladder. The opportunity finally presented itself a couple of weeks ago and I was eager to go.

It was a clear yet windy day so I held on tight and begun my ascent. Usually one to panic at such a height, I practised deep breathing, and just focused on the next step, not looking up or back down. It wasn’t ready to give up. Whilst gripping on an analogy came to my mind.

Life is like climbing a really tall ladder.

It’s scary if you look up and it’s scary if you look back down.

Hold tight, move with three points of contact at all times.

Just concentrate on the rung you’re on.

Right where you are, is right where you are meant to be.

The three points of contact I think relates to our mind, body and soul. We must make an effort to have an even distribution of all three to be healthy.

So keep looking ahead but not too far, just consider what is your next step. There is no need to look back. Do not choose anxiety, worry and fear. Breath and your next step will be there.

What do you compare life to? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.