Making Life Transitions Easier

We all go through different chapters of our lives. It could be due to age, relationships, education, career, or perhaps in our personal life.

The part of ‘in between’, the part when something is coming to an end and the new is on the horizon, that transition time; can cause anxiety to stir. It can be unnerving. It can be a hard time to face.

You must first recognise that you are in this period. Accept and know that it is okay to have these feelings. Normal in fact to feel this way.

Other tips I can offer;

  • remember this is just a moment not the rest of my life

  • avoid depression or the blues by finding a new purpose. I am guessing if your job was fulfilling it gave you a reason to get up out of bed each day, so consider now, What gives you purpose? What puts fire in your belly? What makes you feel good about yourself. You are more than your job!

  • find balance - talk yourself through that this is okay

  • look at what is next - look at your options. Mind map them out, write them out, research- will you back to study, or work in the same field or maybe something completely different is on the cards. Will you start your own business or try something online. Don’t force it to happen, let it happen

  • mediate and still your mind. It is probably going into overdrive, overthinking possibilities of what could have been and what could be

  • look after yourself - keep to a sleep schedule, make the right food choices, get some sun time each day

  • find a way to enjoy your transition time. Do not put pressure on yourself to have your future all figured out. The right thing will reveal itself when the time is right.

It does not have to be a trying time. Try to embrace it and enjoy this quiet time for there is so many opportunities that could come your way if you allow it.

What advice can you give someone going through a transition or perhaps facing uncertainty? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.