March 2023 In Hindsight

March was a tough one, mentally. Constantly going between thoughts. Ups and downs. Tried to meditate and journal my way through it. I had to push hard, I had many presentations and meetings and suffered bad headaches and migraines just to add to the pressure. Plus a nagging dry cough that I can’t seem to loose. I really appreciate my job at the moment. It offers the luxury of freedom and flexibility, which the classroom never could. So it meant I could get up for breakfast and go back to sleep until getting up at 8:30 for work.

Listening to - 

* Manifestation Babe - I still haven’t made my vision board for 2023 but this podcast reminds me I should every time

* Science of Happiness - loving this one - short, sharp, practical, relevant, relatable

* Tony Robbins Podcast - latest happiness and let ig go with Michael Singer is heavy but amazing

* The Lively Show - loving the Beauty of Life series

* The Sue Larkey Podcast - newly subscribed to this one - another good one for teacher

 Read - 

* House Rules - Jodi Picoult - I’ve read it before, and it was still sitting on my shelf so read it again before gifting it to my sister to read

* The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod - borrowed from the library - good one if you are interested in forming a good morning routine

* The People Pleasers Guide To Putting Yourself First - Hollie Azzopardi - not too confronting but realistic

* The Path Made Clear - Discovering Your Life’s Direction and Purpose - Oprah Winfrey - a tonne of quotes and interviews with the best

Splurged on - 

* new winter quilt - soft and snuggly

* cute black blazer - but struggling to match it with anything

Watching - 

* Palm Beach - don’t waste your time on this Aussie one

* The Peanut Butter Falcon - a feel-good movie featuring a kid with down syndrome. Made my boyfriend watch this one with me, and we laughed together. If you’re after a sweet fil, this is it.

* Joe Bell - raw true story about a father walking across America to raise awareness on bullying after his son experienced it when he came out as gay

Went to - 

* organised dinner at The Brooks Eatery in Cherrybrook with friends - can recommend

* drove down to Clifton early one Sunday morning for breakfast with Luc and Scott at the Imperial Hotel - great food, great view, great company

* took my niece and nephew on a playground marathon which they always love

* my sister came up, so we double-dated at Mama Yaki - a Japanese restaurant in Richmond - fresh yummy food

* Good Food Markets at Richmond with my boyfriend’s mum - nice morning

* City Cave event for International Womens Day - they host a few different events, worth checking them out

* Garage Sales in Windsor Downs - bought new glasses, large indoor pot plant, watch

* lunch with my bestie at Macquarie Park Yurica Japanese Kitchen

Booked - 

* car for Adelaide, ferry and accommodation - going on a road trip around Eyre Peninsula during school holidays and can’t wait to get away

Cooked - 

* San Chow Boy, Chicken wings, Spaghetti, Hamburgers, chicken stirfry

* Vanilla cake, jelly (anyone else without kids love to make and eat jelly?)

What's new - 

* house reno - nothing big this month, which irritates me. So I bought some new pots for my indoor plants and did a bit of DIY spray, and painted them white. Mounted all bird wire on the back verandah to deter the birds from pooping down the wall. Decided on new flooring with Carpet Court to a lighter colour - bf is always changing his mind but still yet to commit to booking it in

* blog - is a bit dead. Having committed to it, it takes time and other things have been taking priority

* I bought myself new Tefal pans for Christmas and so love cooking on them; they make a real difference - if you haven’t updated in awhile; its worth the investment

 Looking for - 

* No Hard Feelings to come on at the movies - going to see it with Luc - looks hilarious

 Sold -

* Egyptian material I bought on one of my trips

Started - 

* taking my time in the garden, planting, potting, weeding and watering - not something I usually do

* booking accommodation for our SA trip. Tricky finding pet-friendly places

Attempting to -

* clear my mind

How was your March? Always good to have something to look forward to - Easter will be here shortly. Would you change anything looking back in hindsight? Feel free to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

For other months in hindsight click here