True Self Profile - Beth from 'Powered by Beets'

This month we are featuring the ínspiring Beth from ‘Powered By Beets’.

Hi! My name is Beth Smeeton and I specialize in helping women end the battle with food and their body so they can eat with confidence and create healthy habits for life! My time with my community is technically 'work', but it doesn't seem fair to call it that :). Helping women is honestly a true passion of mine, and there's nothing more rewarding than guiding others to seek their full potential so they can live a life full of freedom and joy!

If I'm not working on my business you can find me taking long walks (outside if it isn't during our brutal Chicago winters!), spending time with my amazing husband, and/or immersing myself in a good book, movie, or podcast. I geek out on personal development, murder mysteries, and sci-fi - if you haven't seen INTERSTELLAR yet what are you even doing with your life?!

You can find Beth writing on her blog at or on Insta at


1. What inspires you in your everyday life?

My husband - he continues to be an example of what true love means. I continue to fall deeper in love with him every day, and I'm not sure how I got so lucky!

The Universe - truly understanding and believing that life is happening for us rather than to us has completely changed my perspective. There's always a lesson to be learned in whatever life has to offer. It may not always be easy to find it, but when we do, we gain our power back.

2. Tell us your favourite: stress release practice, the thing you are most grateful for, book

Fav stress release practice: is hands down my morning routine! The specifics ebb and flow depending on the day, but I always make time for some sort of free-flow writing and intuitive movement.

Most grateful for: LIFE and all that it has to offer. I've learned the present moment is all we have so why not make the best of it?!

Fav Book: The Power of Now. It literally changed how I view the world. Highly recommend!

3. What has been a life-defining moment for you?

The moment I decided I was worth investing in.

A little over a year ago I was feeling pretty stuck and stagnant in my life wondering why I felt anxious and even depressed. I had checked off all of life's necessary 'boxes' such as having an amazing family, close group of friends, a loving husband, prosperous career, as well as my health...yet something still felt 'off'. I hadn't experienced any traumatic life event, yet still found myself searching for answers.

As soon as I decided to seek help in the form of further education and working with a life coach, everything changed. I learned more about myself, my patterns, habits, and limiting beliefs over the last twelve months than I have in the last 37 years. I've learned how important it is to surround ourselves with an unconditionally loving and supportive community and to never play the victim in this beautiful life. Having the courage to invest, changed my perspective on how I relate to myself as well as others, how I treat my body, and how I want to show up in the world. I'm back in the driver’s seat and choose how I want my life to look!

4. What is the most important thing you have learnt about yourself in your life’s journey?

That I'm not broken and don't need fixing. 

In relation to my own food and body image struggles - I was the girl who was always on the hunt to find the 'perfect' way to eat. I felt ashamed of my own hunger and assumed I would struggle with food and body image for the rest of my life. For so long, I went through life believing I wasn't good enough, small enough, smart enough, loving enough, funny enough, etc. It didn't stop me from achieving, but it did stop me from reaching my full potential. I now know that I can make my life experiences mean whatever I want them to mean which has completely shifted my mindset and allowed me to make a 180 with how I relate to food and my body!

5. Who are you currently learning the most from?

My community. Everyone is a unique individual with their own life experiences. The more I learn from my community, the more I learn about the world and other perspectives. It's a beautiful thing!

6. What is your best life tip for others?

To nurture and connect with the most important relationship you'll ever have - YOURSELF. Get to know your desires, challenges, and emotions. Take the time to listen because when we can easily define what our desires are, what our challenges are, and articulate what we're feeling on an emotional level - the solutions to our problems become less complicated. And when we have easy solutions, we can then take inspired action and live a life full of peace, freedom, and FUN! And who doesn't want that?!

7. How do you deal with negative energy?

Oh man, this is a great question. I try and step away from negativity as much as I can, but if that isn't possible in the moment, I remind myself to have compassion and to come from a place of love. Whatever the other person is experiencing has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with what they are thinking and feeling about themselves or the world. Compassion and love always win.

8. What's one thing you like to do every day that cultivates peace and happiness?

Gratitude Journal

9. How can we make a difference in the world?

By connecting to one another again. We live in a world full of technology where it's easy to hide behind screens and ignore one of life's main purposes - which is HUMAN CONNECTION. If we can connect with each other on a human level (rather than via email, text message, or social media) we're going to be left feeling more fulfilled and compassionate towards each other.

10. Outline a perfect morning routine for us

I love this! I'll outline what I did today :)

Wake up before sunrise

No social media, email, text messages, etc.

Light candles

Make coffee

Connect with self via written word:

- affirmations

- gratitude

- how do I want to nourish my mind today? my body? my soul?

Take a walk while listening to a podcast

Followed by breakfast and a shower

All of the above leaves me feeling energized, grounded, and ready for the day!

Wow Beth, these are powerful messages and such inspiration you have given us. I love it! Thank you for sharing.


To view past true self profiles click here.

Each month an inspiring human being will share with us their personal story and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please drop us a note below…