True Self Profile - Caitlin Cady

This month in our true self series, I am proud to introduce you to Caitlin. Each month an amazing human being will share with us their personal stories and tips on how to live your best life.

I was first introduced to Caitlin when I won a copy of her latest book ‘The Hope Dealer’ through Better Reading. From page one, this book got me and it was like this book was written for me. This then lead me to download Caitlin’s app and now I am hooked. I am pleased to share Caitlin’s life insights this month. You can find Caitlin and all the goodness she shares on her website at or Insta and Facebook.

Hi, I am Caitlin. I am a meditation teacher, author, creator of the The Heavily Meditated App and a mother of three. After a decade-long battle with chronic Lyme disease, compounded by years of depression, anxiety, perfectionism, over-achievement, and disordered eating, I turned to meditation as a last resort, desperate to heal herself. As it turned out, meditation was the medicine that set me on a path to holistic wellness, happiness – and freedom from Lyme disease. That set me on a mission to make meditation more accessible and inspired my first book, Heavily Meditated, and my app.

I share teachings that are inspired by years of practice and study in the ancient wisdom traditions of Hatha Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda. The focus of my teaching is on reconnecting with calm, peace, and joy and cultivating the courage to overcome self-doubt, perfectionism, fear and anxiety, empowering you to live to your full potential.

My second book The Hope Dealer is out now. :)

Caitlin on the beach

What is your definition of 'true self'?

I could write a book on this topic, but in short, I believe that the truest self is that essential aspect of each of us that is already whole and worthy. We touch that place when we remember and recognize that we are a drop in the ocean divine, that we are not separate, but rather part of a collective whole. That remembrance of your own divinity and wholeness allows you to move through the world without posturing, proving or people pleasing and without reactivity or judgement. In other words, your true self is that aspect of you that is joyful, easeful and at peace. It’s always within you, most of us just have to do some work at uncovering it. :)

What three words best describe you?

Curious, creative, caring.

Tell us your favourite- stress release practice, the thing you are most grateful for, and favourite book

For stress release, meditation, yoga nidra and time in nature are my favourite resources.

I’m most grateful for my family, they are such a gift to me.

I’m a bookworm so this is tough, but some favourite recent reads are Inciting Joy by Ross Gay, Still Life by Sarah Winman and Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Grams.

What has been a life-defining moment for you?

Learning to meditate and becoming a regular meditator changed my life (and therefore became life-defining) but it also allowed all of the other life-defining moments that followed to be more fruitful. What I mean by that is that I’ve been able to meet the challenges and the highlights with so much more humility, grace, equanimity and ease than I could have before I was a regular meditator. I’m not perfect and I don’t always get everything right, but I do feel that I am better equipped to meet the big moments of life that I was before.

When were you last still?

This morning! I’m a daily meditator and a morning practice is my non-negotiable.

Who are you currently learning the most from?

Indu Arora, Tracee Stanley, Chanti-Tacorante-Perez are three teachers who I’m learning so much from.

What is your best life tip for others?

Be curious and let that be the driving force in your life. Curiosity is what stirs your soul, prompts you to ask questions, sends you seeking for answers. Curiosity allows you to be a student of life. If you’re truly, deeply, insatiably curious you are always WILLING. Willing to try something new, willing to take a hard look at yourself or your habits. Willing to experiment. Willing to ask questions, willing to explore, willing to be wrong. I also think curiosity also has a quality of openness and possibility that is essential in creating an inner and outer atmosphere of kindness.

Also: meditate!

When are you at your happiest?

So many things connect me with happiness, it’s hard to narrow it down. A little list of bliss: reading a book by the fire, gathering roses from my garden, cooking meals for my friends, having random kitchen dance parties, walking in nature, listening to my kids share about their days, writing, having deep and meaningful with the people I love.

What is getting priority in your life right now?

Clarity. I’m in a process of streamlining and finding more simplicity and focus in my life. I had a big few years navigating grief and loss while also producing a lot creatively and its has brought me to this moment of reconciling what I’ve learned and recognising what really matters and what is worthy of my attention and energy in this particular season of life.

How can we make a difference in the world?

Your capacity for self-forgiveness, self-compassion, self-awareness and self-understanding directly influences your capacity to bring these qualities to your relationships with others. How you relate to you is how you relate to the world, and vice versa. If you are at peace within yourself, you will always be at peace with others. The energetic ripple effect of our inner lives radiates into our outer lives. So, one less person suffering means one less person (usually unwittingly) projecting that pain, anger or frustration onto others. In a nutshell, one more person keeping the inner peace causes an exponential outward increase in loving kindness, compassion and understanding.

Thank you so much Caitlin! Your mediation app and latest book have truly made a difference to my mind, soul and my life. I feel so fortunate to have discovered your wisdom, creativity and perspective on life and hope by sharing, others will benefit also. Thank you for your sharing your words.

Make sure to check out all the other true self profiles here.

Each month an amazing human being will share with us their personal stories and tips on how to live your best life. I recently updated our questions we ask our guests and Caitlin is the first to answer these. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please make contact at

What were your key takeaways from Caitlin? Make sure to check her out, buy her book, download her app and follow her on socials. We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.