True Self Profile - Jemma

This month in our true self series, we hear from Jemma. I first found Jemma a few years ago through her podcast Living With Light where she shared advice, guidance and positive messages to inspire others on their own self discovery, healing and spiritual journey which then lead to following her on her Insta account.

I’m Jemma, Intuitive channel and soulful energy healer. A weaver of magic that guides you into your inner realms to have breathtaking transformation. Awakening your spiritual devotion and honouring your soul path in your own unique way. 

My majestic power lies in connection. Connection to the divine, to our earth, to one’s shadow, and the lessons that bloom from our transformation. Each lesson is but another thread used to weave our way back home. 

My souls mission is to awaken your connection to the divine within. I create a safe space for vulnerability and transformational healing. Allowing your soul to unravel deepening your intuition and own inner guidance and reconnecting you with your true divine essence. 

If you would like to find more on Jemma on her website or follow along on Instagram.

What is your definition of 'true self'?

My definition of your true self is the aspect of your soul that is in the highest alignment with the divine consciousness and keeps striving to achieve that alignment while living your life here on earth. 

What three words best describe you?

Intuitive, quirky and curious.

Tell us your favourite- stress release practice, the thing you are most grateful for, and favourite book

My favourite stress relief practice is chanting especially to Kali. While I beat my drum and surrender to the powerful energy of Kali I feel free and limitless. Her powerful energy removes all negative forces and helps purify my energy.

I am most grateful for my husband. He is my biggest supporter and one of my strongest anchors. 

My favourite book! This is a hard one. I love The Female Archangels by Clair Stone. The divine angelic energy is so powerful. 

What has been a life-defining moment for you?

Life is a series of defining moments, every decision we make big or small defines who we are and where we’re going. It shows how much of our human self is in alignment with our divine self and highest destiny. Every decision has led me to be exactly where I am right now, so in a sense they’re all defining moments. Each day I choose to realign and surrender as much as possible. To listen to my inner guidance and take action that is in alignment with my highest souls expression. Although that daily moment might seems small and insignificant its one of the most powerful and life changing for me. 

When were you last still?

I have moments of stillness everyday. When I meditate and during my devotional spiritual practices. Although on my most recent trip to India, I was able to immerse myself in stillness for hours at a time. Looking over at the mountains in the south of India where the energy of the siddha thrive. Mountains have always been a powerful place for me and these pulsate with energy, quite like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

Who are you currently learning the most from?

I’m currently learning the most from my beloved spiritual teacher and guru Sri Shakti Amma Narayani. I just spent nine days at the foot of the divine mother and the transformation that continues to occur has been beyond phenomenal. Her teachings and wisdom speaks directly to my soul and changes me at a core level. I am always so humbled and grateful for the wisdom that she instills within me. 

What is your best life tip for others?

Be true to yourself and follow your own path 

When are you at your happiest?

The moment I finish facilitating a channeling session for a client and I can feel the energy shifts and expansion that has occurred at a soul level. 

What is getting priority in your life right now?

My family and my spiritual expansion and development. 

How can we make a difference in the world?

By embracing and shining our own unique light, it will encourage others to do the same. 

Thank you so much Jemma for your response to these questions. I find it incredible that you shared that we should ‘shine our light’ because I have been seeing and being given that message almost daily for the last couple of weeks now. Maybe I should take that as a sign!

Make sure to check out all the other true self profiles here.

Each month an amazing human being will share with us their personal stories and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please make contact at

What were your key takeaways from Jemma? Make sure to check her out and follow her on socials. We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.