True Self Profile - Katrina

This month I would love to introduce you to Katrina, who we are featuring in our true self profile series. Each month an amazing human being will share with us their personal stories and tips on how to live your best life. We are privileged for Katrina to share so openly. I can’t wait for you to read her raw life stories.

Over to Katrina….

My name is Katrina Holden and I’m passionate about all things vintage: fashion, lifestyle, design, heritage, nostalgia, etc. I’m a freelance journalist and former travel magazine editor. I recently launched a new business called That Pink Merc – a 1975 baby pink Mercedes available for hire, with a driver, in Sydney. I also run my own blog called Vintage Travel Kat.

Make sure to check Katrina out online at;

Katrina Holden Insta:

Vintage Travel Kat website:

Vintage Travel Kat Insta:

And for That Pink Merc, visit:

That Pink Merc Insta:


What gives your life meaning and purpose?

Being a creative gives me a strong sense of purpose. When I’m creating, I feel alive - whether that’s imagery, the written word, editing something, styling a vintage outfit or thrifting at op shops… I love having a creative vision and trying to bring it to life.

I am passionate about encouraging more people to shop second-hand – whether it’s for their furniture, homewares or fashion. I’ve been shopping second-hand since I was about 14 and I love it. We cannot keep going the way we are using up the earth’s limited resources, it’s just not sustainable and is so destructive to the planet. And even if it’s not second-hand as such, then I’d love to see more people considering sustainable consumer purchases.

I also hope I inspire more people to embrace colour in their wardrobe and homes.

Tell us your favourite- stress release practice, the thing you are most grateful for, and favourite book

I try and meditate daily using the Insight Timer app. It’s great as you can save all different types of meditations depending on what you need eg: sleep, releasing fears, manifesting, forgiveness etc. I also love walking in nature. I live near the beach and I’m a Pisces, so headland walks and anything near the ocean feeds my soul.

I’m most grateful for my health, something that is so easy to take for granted.

I can't narrow down what my favourite book is. When I was a kid I loved the Anne of Green Gables series (I ended up naming my son Gilbert!). I also loved To Kill a Mockingbird, Catcher in the Rye and dramatic period-style books such as novels by Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Daphne Du Maurier etc. As an adult, I don’t read a great deal of fiction, usually self-expansion or spiritual style books; or autobiographies.

What has been a life-defining moment for you?

My father died of heart disease when I was 24. He was at the top of the list in Australia for a heart transplant at one point. We were waiting for a heart donor (which is a terrible concept in itself) and they thought they had one. They prepped my dad for surgery but when the donor’s heart arrived by emergency courier, they discovered it too was diseased. He died about a week later. I was with my mum and five older siblings around his bedside in the hours leading up to his passing. I remember my sister and I took turns singing to him (The Beatles were his favourite). I remember whispering to him at one point, ‘Dad, on my wedding day, can you send me a sign, like a bird or a dove or something?’ and he nodded. It wasn’t until about four years later that I married but on my wedding day, there was a whale breaching in the ocean. That was dad - he would have gone large! I strongly believe in signs from our passed loved ones and spiritual guides. While we may lose someone in the physical sense, it doesn’t mean you lose their spirit.

The other life-defining period for me has been going through a divorce. It changes everything – from your finances to your friendships, and you simply have to reinvent yourself and start again. Going through a divorce with three kids under the age of 8 years was really tough. It hasn’t been an easy road but it certainly taught me so much about myself and my own inner strength.

When were you last still?

Ooh, I do struggle with this one! With our constant switched-on world, I do find it hard to just be still and do nothing. I always feel compelled to be creating, pottering or planning something! However, during January I made a pledge to walk up to Barrenjoey Lighthouse at Palm Beach every day of January. When I’d get to the top, I’d spend a few moments sitting and taking in the view, giving thanks and looking out to the ocean. Sitting with my dog on the couch too just patting him is also another moment of stillness I treasure.

Who are you currently learning the most from?

I’m so energised by the US author and speaker, Mel Robbins. I bought her book ’The High Five Habit’ late last year and it’s so simple but so effective. I love her YouTube and Instagram clips. She’s just so motivating. I also try and adopt her 5,4,3,2,1 practice…. so when you have a thought like, ‘I should walk up and introduce myself to that person’ or ‘I should get up now and put on my workout gear’ or ‘I should make that awkward call for my business’ etc, we tend to talk ourselves out of it because our mind tricks us into ’staying safe’ and in our comfort zones. So as that’s starting to happen, you break the loop in your mind and count backward from 5 to 1.

I’m also learning so much from my kids. Watching them grow and face teenage challenges etc, and how they handle them, is a reinforcement of what I’ve learned myself about human behaviour. It does take you back to when you were a kid and those moments that seemed so significant at the time. I have definitely tried to encourage empathy and accountability in all of my kids, as well as knowing when it is time to stand your ground.

What is your best life tip?

I’m still figuring this game of life out, but one thing I do know for sure is that the more grateful I am and the more I express to the universe gratitude for the things I do have, the more it tries to provide and reward me with.

When are you at your happiest?

When I have my kids at home with me, when I’m in creativity mode (eg; playing vintage dress-ups!), hugging my mum who is now 91 or those moments when I simply feel content.

What is getting priority in your life right now?

I launched That Pink Merc in December so I am growing this new business. I also love being creative on my colourful Vintage Travel Kat Instagram account. I have gone out of my comfort zone making lots of Reels and I really enjoy it now and have fun with it. Knowing that people are inspired by my colourful or vintage adventures means so much to me. It’s also helped give me the confidence to ‘be seen’ and not simply shrink away because I’m in my late 40s and not a size 8 anymore.

How can we make a difference in the world?

I say to my kids that we’re not all born to be leaders – we simply aren’t. We’re not all destined to do huge, great things that have global impacts like Barack Obama or Mother Theresa etc. What I say is that we can absolutely make a small difference every single day to the people we encounter and those around us. Whether that’s helping someone that has fallen over, letting a friend in need know you care, sharing your lunchbox food with a buddy, calling out inappropriate words and behaviour or simply telling a stranger in the street you love their outfit…. I think that’s how we can all make a difference.

In terms of the environment, we can make a difference by jumping off the consumerist bandwagon and making more considered choices. Be part of the circular economy.

If you were to have a spare free morning, how would you spend it?

Probably a walk near the beach followed by breakfast or brunch at a great cafe with people I care about. Then I’d probably want to go somewhere for creative inspiration such as an exhibition, a market, vintage store etc.

Thank you so much Katrina for sharing. Wow! You are incredible. I love the important lessons you are teaching your children. It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes ‘be the difference, that makes the difference’.

Make sure to check out all the other true self profiles here.

Each month an amazing human being will share with us their personal stories and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please make contact at

What were your key takeaways from Katrina? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.