True Self Profile - Marj

Welcome to this month’s True Self Profile. We are excited to feature Marj an Interior Designer from Neutral Bay in Sydney. Her Instagram is full of inspiration for those who love design. Let’s get started…

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My name is Marj Trevillion (born Silva), I’m a Brazilian national living in Sydney for the last 20 years. My website is and you can find me on Instagram @missmarjsilva. I’m passionate about all things food, wine and design. I’m a mum of two beautiful young boys, Dom, 3.5 and Theo 6.5 years old.

1. What inspires you in your everyday life? 
My kids, their innocent and unblemished views of the world is truly touching. Their literal little minds just make you smile daily.

2.      Tell us your favourite; stress release practice, the thing you are most grateful for, book
I love to read, mostly novels or inspirational stories, sometimes trashy or comic ones.
I’m very a very energetic and passionate person, so when I stress, I try to resolve things there and then.
I’m grateful for my very patient and diplomatic husband, who can be a filter for my outbursts more often than not!

3.      What has been a life-defining moment for you? 
Becoming a parent. I never thought I would, just wasn’t a priority, but ever since becoming one, I’ve learned to be more patient, to not stress about the little things. I’m still working on slowing down though, baby steps!

4.      What is the most important thing you have learnt about yourself in your life’s journey? 
I like to be true to who I am, as much as that is not as socially acceptable, I believe in people speaking their feelings, without rudeness of course, but at least everyone knows where they stand with me.

5.      Who are you currently learning the most from? 
I just finished Celeste Barber’s ‘Challenge Accepted’ book and love her lightness and ability to laugh at herself, we should all be a little less concerned about our appearances and concentrate on what’s our "message".

6.      What is your best life tip for others? 
Take time for yourself, no one else will. 

7.      How do you deal with negative energy? 
I tend to ignore it. I grew up with a very alternative dad who always made us have weekly reiki sessions, this taught me how to block bad energy and not let that be a part of my world.

8.      What is one thing you like to do every day that cultivates peace and happiness? 
I like to talk to my family, little kids are very reactive to your vibe, they’re also very explosive personalities so trying to keep the peace is often challenging. 

9.      How can we make a difference in the world? 
Teach our kids to be respectful to themselves, to others and to our planet.

10.  Outline a perfect morning routine for us 
Waking up early, sorting out the kid’s brekkie before going to the gym, light brekkie, coffee stop before work. I love to feel accomplished, productivity is my most valued trait.

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Thank you Marj for your time to share with us. I love your message for us about making time for ourselves. It is something I often need reminding of.

To view past true self profiles click here.

Each month an inspiring human being will share with us their personal story and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please drop us a note below…