True Self Profile - Nora

This month we continue with featuring our true self profile’s. Each month an amazing human being will share with us their personal stories and tips on how to live your best life. This month I would love to introduce you to the inspiring Nora, who has created her dream life.

I’m Nora and I am an expert teaching Feminine Magnetism, Human connection and Authentic Relationships to women and men worldwide. People are my jam.

I’m a total extrovert and that’s why I love hosting events here in Bali, where I have been living these last five years.

I grew up with a gypsy background being raised in Nepal and India which led me to cultivate this deep desire to inspire people to live extraordinary lives filled with belonging, joy, and passion.

I wasn’t always a confident woman, I had chronic anxiety for over ten years and felt small, frustrated, jealous, and hard on myself. I wasn’t the woman I wanted to be. So I got help along the way to become this radiant, inspiring teacher for particularly women who want to feel better about themselves.

I wrote about my journey in my first book called;Confident, Sexy and Wildly Free: How To Own Your Worth, Ditch The Self Doubt and Not Give A F*ck What Anyone Thinks of You.” It’s got journaling questions, meditations and other personal development tools that I used to help me overcome my anxiety and self worth issues. Check it out on Amazon!

I invite you to friendly stalk me on my website or (let’s be realistic here, don’t you love Instagram??) over on instagram where I post daily stories of my relationship, my life in Bali and how you too can live a life filled with love, passion and connection.

What gives your life meaning and purpose?

Creating and facilitating deeper connections with others and to inspire single women to believe in a healthy love and couples to know how to create and cultivate a happy, sexy, fulfilling long-term love. In other words - I LOVE LOVE!

Tell us your favourite- stress release practice, the thing you are most grateful for, and favourite book

My favourite stress release practice involved moving the built up energy inside my body. Now that could be pillow bashing (if it’s anger related), simply pilling a bunch of pillows on the bed or couch and using one pillow to hit the other pillows and release any sounds or swear words that want to be spoken out loud. Otherwise it could be putting on a dance track and just jumping up and down in my room. Or it if the stress energy is more subtle, standing and shaking my whole body for a minute or longer. After each of these practices I sit or stand still to feel the silence or movement of energy in my body, that is a very important part as it’s the integration that allows the stress to release!

I am most grateful for the daily opportunity to self reflect on who I am being, how I am showing up and how in alignment I feel with my desires. Self reflection is such an important part of understanding yourself on deeper levels, I do this via journaling on specific questions such as:

Why do I believe I can’t have what I desire?

How do I want to feel today and what actions will make me feel this way?

My favourite book is Getting The Love You Want, an excellent book to read whether you are single or in a relationship to understand our longing for being loved.

What has been a life-defining moment for you?

Having a panic attack at age 24 in the London Underground was my defining life moment where my life shattered and I didn’t trust myself or the greater universe anymore, it led to a ten year journey with chronic anxiety which is why I teach personal empowerment and how to create the connections in life that make you feel safe.

When were you last still? 

I am still daily in my morning practice. Downtime and self-reflection time are two elements to my day I am very mindful of. When you can do this during your morning you set yourself up for success for the rest of your day.

Who are you currently learning the most from?

I am learning the most from my relationship right now. Relationship to myself and relationship with my partner. You see our partners are the mirrors into where we still have some inner development to do, and we precisely attract that partner for the learning we need to learn and complete in this life.

What is your best life tip for others?

Ask yourself this question daily: How do I want to feel and what is going to make me feel this way!

When are you at your happiest?

I am at my happiest when I am with people facilitating deeper connections, that may be with my 1-1 coaching clients or when I am hosting an experiential event for others so that they can feel deep embodied support, appreciation, connection and belonging.

What is getting priority in your life right now?

Priority in my life right now is how can I get my message of love to as many people as possible to inspire them to not give up hope, to be there for one another and to know that a healthy, happy, sexy long term love is so possible when you know how.

How can we make a difference in the world?

We can all make a difference in this world when we realise each one of us has the ultimate foundation longing to be loved for who we are and none of us were taught how to get this love, so when you are out in the world have this lens of compassion on and see that everything each one of us is doing is because we want to be loved (even if it’s not what we think is ‘right’ or ‘good’, that longing to be loved is underneath it all!).

If you were to have a spare free morning, how would you spend it? 

Honestly, I designed my life to have free mornings whenever I want! So I already am doing what I want every day in alignment with my desires.

Thank you so much Nora for sharing.

Make sure to check out all the other true self profiles here.

Each month an amazing human being will share with us their personal stories and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please make contact at

What were your key takeaways from Nora? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.