Ten Ways To Use Mini Whiteboards In Class

Ten ways to use mini whiteboards in your classroom;

  1. bingo

  2. spelling test and spelling words

  3. quick knowledge test - write the answer and hold it up

  4. quick quiz

  5. maths mentals - write answers and hold it up. Show me…

  6. taking notes - less room, teaches short sharp concise is best

  7. directed drawing or Pictionary games

  8. any type of work you need quick evidence of but don’t need to mark

  9. Get a quick understanding of what is going on in their heads.

  10. provide magnetic letters or numbers or base ten blocks

I find mini white boards one of the most valuable tools we have in the classroom, one I use nearly every day with the class.

How do you use whiteboards in your classroom? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.